August 25, 1876 Friday

August 25 Friday – Will Bowen wrote to Sam. In part:

Dear Sam / It has been a long time since I have heard from you, and I believe mine, was the last letter, but that is a small matter, since in these seriously dull times, the ordinary, little matters do not get their customary attention. When I wrote you last, the old world was wheeling along very smoothly with me, and my business prospects were very flattering, but I regret to confess that such is not now, the case.


      I was to have been married this month that they might have a Home and I, a companion, but then circumstances force a delay of that now. Sister Mary is in trouble with her property in Hannibal & needs my assistance, and a thousand things are depressing me. I feel that a letter from my old time friend would be a sweet morsel and when you have the leisure I hope you will recall some of the old feeling, that distance & time & other duties have perhaps dimmed a little & write me a word or two. We have both been through the mill before, “Hard up,” but we were younger then. Hopes were stronger, and the days brighter. I cannot feel that I have come to the end of my happy life—yet strange things overtake men nowadays & mayhap I have. I shall continue the struggle though—bearing along my good name & a brave heart with willing hands.

      I am glad that fortune smiles with you—but more so, that you have forced her, so to do.

      My Mother & family often speak of you—they are quite well—I believe I told you of Elizas death, in the Asylum.

      Where is your Mother & Sister? I hope the good wife & babies are well as also yourself. Sam is here doing nothing

      Write me, Sam when you have time. I shall be glad to hear from you ever. Tell me something of the new Book & when we will see it / Yours ever … [MTPO].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.