August 1, 1876 Tuesday

August 1 Tuesday  In Elmira, Sam sent a post card to the American Publishing Co. requesting two cloth copies of Charles Dudley Warner’s book, Mummies or Moslems [MTLE 1: 89; Aug. 8 to Bliss].

Sam also wrote a short response to Lewis Jacob Cist (1818-1885), Cincinnati banker, poet and collector of autographs and portraits. Sam didn’t recall:

“…ever writing anything for the St. Louis Republican; & I used the nom de plume first in Nevada Territory” [MTLE 1: 90].

Sam also wrote to Moncure Conway after just receiving his letter. Chatto got the electrotypes but had already gone to press with an edition, and didn’t like Bliss’ price. Chatto or Conway had asked Sam to get Bliss to lower his price but Sam answered that Bliss had no motivation to do so. Sam was clearly stressed by the coordination and machinations of the book between Bliss, Conway and Chatto. Sam called this a “triangle” and suggested that Chatto simply send the electros back to Bliss and let Bliss use them, or charge them to Sam’s account.

Sam loved Quarry Farm’s idyllic setting and encouraged Conway to bring the wife and visit.

“We are in the air, overhanging the valley 700 feet, & my study is 100 yards from the house. This is not my vacation, mind you—I take that in winter. I am booming along with my new book [Huckleberry Finn]—have written 1/3 of it & shall finish it in 6 working weeks” [MTLE 1: 91]

Note: Sam would not finish the book until 1883. After the first 16 chapters, Sam put the book away until 1879. Between 1879 and 1880 Sam wrote Chapters 17 and 18; between 1880 and 1883, Chapters 19-21. In 1883 he wrote the last chapters [Blair, MT and Huck Finn 199].

Sam read chapter 8 in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer proofs [MTLE 1: 92].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.