February 2, 1878 Saturday

February 2 SaturdayDan Slote for Slote, Woodman & Co. wrote again to Sam.

Dear Sam, / Have procured numbers of Atlantic Monthly for new Sketches of Bermuda and only await two proof copies of March number to complete volume suggested—

      Send me at once Two copies of St Patrick’s Dinner speech, or one for printer. One extra copy of each—Rogers Paper & Literary Nightmare…

      I don’t wish to raise a religious question in your family, but would like to publish in the new book, your article on ‘Joseph’ published in London by Routledge’s and entirely new to American Readers, which I know would be highly appreciated by everybody in America.

      My idea in the new book would be to make it without profit to either of us at the low price of Ten Cents per book in paper Covers with plenty of advertising pages for the Scrap Book.

      We can sell a Million of books at (over) that price, and should the Amer Publishing Co ever let go their grip we can get ‘good and even’ on your future writings…[MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.