April 3, 1882 Monday 

April 3 Monday – Sam typed a note from Hartford to Charles Wood, at West Point. He enclosed “the original of” the 1601 manuscript as Wood had suggested, and explained there were a few archaic spellings that Wood should feel free to fix. According to Leon, Wood agreed to use West Point’s printing press to run off about 60 copies [228].

In his notebook, Sam marked the death of outlaw “Jessee James the Missourian” killed at St. Joseph, Mo. [MTNJ 2: 464n112]. 

Sam also wrote to Charles Webster on business matters. He wanted Charley to get the copyright back for the little book Dan Slote had published called “Punch Brothers Punch.” He also wanted the plates to the book to destroy [MTBus 184].

William Thomas St. Clair wrote his second of three letters, from Shelby City, Ky.: “I wrote you a letter in Danville—relative to you to write me an essay for a lady friend. Subject—‘How old are you’” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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