March 1882

March – On a copy of John Bunyan’s (1622-1688) The Pilgrim’s Progress (Chinese), Sam inscribed: “Sent from Bangkok Siam by H.R.H. the Rajah of Ambong and Morocco in the Island of Borneo. This prince is a full-blooded Yankee, and was born in Boston. Hartford, March, 1882” [Gribben 112]. Note: This book sent by Joseph William Torrey as per Torrey’s of Jan. 1, 1882.

Clemens also wrote “Joshua Davidson / Mrs. Lyn Linton,” referring to The True History of Joshua Davidson by Elizabeth Linton (1873). Sam bought the book shortly after this notebook entry [MTNJ 2: 452n55].

Sam jotted the title of John William DeForest’s novel in his notebook: Kate Beaumont (1872). DeForest wrote Sam on July 31, 1874 suggesting collaboration on a book of sketches [Gribben 182]. Sam noted the title and publisher of Luigi Monti’s (Samuel Sampleton, 1830-1914) Adventures of a Consul Abroad (1878) [Gribben 481].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.