April 12, 1882 Wednesday

April 12 Wednesday – Roswell Phelps mailed Sam a contract for his employment, which Sam signed. Phelps was to receive $100 per month for “at least four weeks” work, all traveling and living expenses and for transcribing notes made on the trip by June 1, one dollar per thousand words. The contract is in the MTP [MTNJ 2: 517].

Sam wrote from Hartford to Charles Webster. Sam felt he had the American Publishing Co. on the run, but what he really wanted was control.

Can’t we manage, next fall, to scare them out of my copyrights & plates?

By that time they will have sold 85,000 “Tramps,” possibly, & charged 10 cents too much.

If I had the copyrights, I could make them pay me $25,000 a year, right along. They now pay me less than $3,000.

I would not care to have the “Tramp” by itself. I should want all or none.

Now how the mischief can I get hold of those copyrights? [MTBus 185].

Frank Fuller wrote again to push stock, & hoped him a good voyage [MTP].

William M. Laffan for Harper & Bros.  wrote to advise Sam not to bring Osgood to the Union League Club instead of Delmonico’s on Monday night at 7 [MTP].

James R. Osgood wrote to Sam, enclosing contracts for The Stolen White Elephant for signature [MTP].

Roswell H. Phelps wrote to Sam, enclosing a one page contract for his services. Sam signed on Apr. 13. $100 per month and all living and travel expenses paid [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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