Submitted by scott on

February 5 Monday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Howells:

“I haven’t anything to write, except all hands well. But I thought I’d send you this, to show you that we are making progress. The children’s governess required them to set down the names of such celebrities as they could recall. You have here the results” [MTHL 1: 422]. Note: Sam enclosed a list of famous people from his older daughters; Susy was eleven, Clara nine. The lists may be found in the citation on note 1. They both included “Papa” in the list of famous men.

Hattie J. Gerhardt wrote to Sam & Livy: “We do not know how happy your two letters made us—we have read them exactly ten times since they came.” She wrote of Karl’s statute of Mercury and some work in bas relief she was doing [MTP].

George P. Lathrop wrote from NYC: “Hutton, Gilder & I—ably assisted by Brander Matthews—are getting up a breakfast for Barnay, the German tragedian. / I have just been to see Barrett about it, & he consents…to preside. He will doubtless speak to you about it to-night, if he has a chance…If it should be on Friday, could you not stay over?” [MTP]. NoteLudwig Barnay (1842-1924).

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   
