Submitted by scott on

September 4 Tuesday – Sam wrote from Elmira to Orion, enclosing a Aug. 29 request from Return I. Holcombe for information to compile a history of Marion County, Mo. The letter mentioned John Marshall Clemens’ jury service that sent “three Illinois abolitionists” to the penitentiary for twelve years for stealing slaves (see Sept. 1838 entry). Sam wrote that Orion ought to answer the man as he was equipped for it [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Return I. Holcombe, explaining he didn’t have the facts but that his brother did. Of his brother Sam said, “He had 22 years’ acquaintanceship with my father, but my own knowledge of him amounted to little more than an introduction.” Sam wanted to subscribe to Holcombe’s book when it was completed [MTP].

September 4 Tuesday ca. – Sam wrote from Elmira to Melville E. Stone, founder of the Chicago Daily News. Sam was asked his opinion of the Arthur administration:

“I am but one in the 55,000,000; still, in the opinion of this one-fifty-five-millionth of the country’s population, it would be hard indeed to better President Arthur’s administration. But don’t decide till you hear from the rest” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   
