June 2 Thursday – In Hartford Sam wrote a one-liner to Orion on a pre-printed correspondence card which carried the message “Mr. Clemens (Mark Twain) is away for several months, but will answer when he returns.” Sam wrote that he’d told Webster to send Orion the cyclopedia and also wrote him to do so. Evidently, Orion had not received the book, probably necessary for his research into English Kings [MTP].
Orion Clemens wrote to Sam (Greening to Orion, June 1 enclosed), of Ma’s money and her desire to buy a $50 folding bed. “She thinks it a ‘very quiet Christmas’”. Sam wrote on the envelope, “Sent $200 with orders to draw for more if needed” [MTP].
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3707 Mme. L Thurn 47.50 Dressmaker