March 7, 1888 Wednesday

March 7 Wednesday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Andrew Chatto, enclosing one of the contracts signed for Library of Humor, but withholding one that pertained to Canada. Sam promised to have one drawn up which would work “up yonder” and noted in the left margin, “It was found that the contract would not answer — in fact, would defeat itself.” Sam gave Apr. 20 as the London publishing date, and asked that Chatto instruct Samuel E. Dawson in Canada to publish Apr. 21; and announced they would publish in the U.S. on Apr. 23.

Sam also wrote to John M. Holcombe, thanking him for a basket of roses sent by “the Association” — “just the basket itself overpays me,” Sam wrote [MTP] Note: Holcombe, a Yale ’69 grad, was an officer in Yale’s Alumni Association. He became president of that group in 1889. The flowers were likely given in thanks for Sam’s several readings at Yale.

Augustin Daly wrote to Sam:

I’m going to give Mr. Irving & Miss Terry a parting supper after the play on Monday night March 26th at Delmonico’s — and I shall be very glad if you will come. Indeed I’ll be lost if you don’t [MTNJ 3: 377n254]. Note: Sam wrote “yes” on the envelope, but the dinner was delayed and did not take place until April 27, 1888.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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