March 6 Tuesday – In Hartford Sam inscribed a copy of P&P for Emma Lane: To Miss Emma Lane, with the kind regards of Mark Twain. Hartford, March 6, 1888 [MTP].
Webster & Co. per Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam that they’d received the contract from Chatto & Windus, together with their letter. They’d asked about LAL, though those books had not been mentioned, as far as Hall knew; he’d do nothing until he heard from Sam [MTP].
Richard W. Gilder for Century Magazine wrote to Sam about President Cleveland receiving authors, with or without Mrs. Cleveland, at the upcoming gathering in Washington. “Mrs Clemens will go, I am sure. Tell her she must” [MTP].
Vashti D. Garwood wrote from Bethlehem, Penn. asking for money for a children’s home [MTP].
Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) died. Best known for the novel Little Women, Alcott was also active in the suffrage movement during her last years. She is buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Concord, Mass.