March 23, 1888 Friday

March 23 Friday – In Washington, Sam gave a speech on international copyright before the House Judiciary Committee. [Washington Post Mar. 24, 1888, p.4, “The Copyright Hearing” paraphrased the speech.]

The New York World ran an “interview” on page 4, “The Insolence of Office”:

Washington, March 2[?] — Mark Twain, having survived participation in the authors’ readings, is now playing Rip Van Winkle in revisiting the places in Washington of which he was a habitué twenty years ago. In fact, more than twenty years have passed since Mark, then with little reputation and less money, was eking out a living as the special correspondent of some Pacific coast papers while writing his book Innocents Abroad, which was to make him famous and start him on the road to riches. After several passages with the doorkeepers of the House Mark is of opinion that “the insolence of office” is as rife now as it was in his time, to say nothing of Shakespeare’s. Presenting his card to one of the officials, the height of whose ambition is to be mistaken for Congressmen, Mark asked that it be sent to Sunset Cox. The doorkeeper disdained to look at the card which he had, as if afraid of contamination, but viewed the humble humorist from head to foot and sized him up for “the country jay” that Mark’s drawl and dialect suggested.

   “You can’t see Mr. Cox.”


   “Because he is busy.”

   “How do you know? Is he making a speech?”

   “Naw, but he can’t see you.”

   “Well, how can I get in the press gallery?”

   “Are you a reporter?”

   “No, but I used to be a mighty good one when I lived in Virginia City.”

   “Well, if you ain’t one now you can’t get in”; and he pushed Mark aside to be polite to a gentle female lobbyist whose card went in to her member fast enough. Finally the humorist passed the pickets of the press gallery. After he had asked in vain for the dead and gone correspondents who had been his chums Colonel Mann recognized him and gave him The World man’s seat in the front row, whence he had a fine view of the statesmen of the present generation wrangling over the labor bills. Mark says he will soon publish a compilation of other people’s humorous writings and is also engaged upon an original work which he hopes to finish some time next summer.

   Having “swapped lies” for a while with the correspondents Mark tried the floor again. This time he was recognized, and Mr. Cox not only went out to see him, but took him on the floor and made him acquainted with all of the Congressional celebrities from Reed of Maine to Martin of Texas. He kept the crowd of members around him laughing until the gavel of the Speaker came to the rescue of order. He says the levee that he had reminds him very much of those he used to see on the Mississippi in the days when he was piloting [Scharnhorst, Interviews 95-6].

Sam’s notebook carries the entry: Friday afternoon, Soldiers’ Home. [Note: Fatout reports a reading at the Soldiers’ Home for Mar. 17. Did Sam give two there?]

Friday, dinner, 7.30 — Mr. Hitt [MTNJ 3: 381&n270] Note: probably Congressman Robert R. Hitt, Republican from Illinois. Sam met Hitt in Paris in 1879, when Hitt was first secretary of the U.S. legation there. See Mar. 21-22, 1879 MTDBD I for a Mardigras event with Hitt.

Sam paid a hotel bill for one week’s lodging and misc., $110.20 at The Arlington: 2 days room @ 8.50, 17.00; 5 days room @16, 80.00, fires 5.00, baggage .50, Laundry .40, rep Glasses .25, Express .40, Telegrams .65, Messenger 1.00, Cash 5.00 [MTNJ 3: 381n271; MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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