June 24, 1890 Tuesday

June 24 Tuesday – In Hartford George Warner wrote, “Susy Clemens is in and happy, the dear girl,” referring to her acceptance at Bryn Mawr College [Salsbury 277].

Sam wrote to William Thomas Stead.

May I wish you every success with your “Review of Reviews” which I think will fulfill a long felt want both in England and in America [MTP].

Joseph B. & Jeanette Gilder for The Critic wrote to ask Sam to vote from a list for the magazine’s “Forty Immortals.” Sam wrote on the envelope, “Brer, please ask her to send me the ‘list’ referred to SLC” [MTP].

Louis Reeves Harrison wrote from N.Y. on Fellowcraft Club stationery to ask Sam to contribute a chapter to a composite novel, “The idea originated with Mr. R.D. Blumenfeld, Editor of the Evening Telegram.” On the envelope Sam directed Whitmore to decline [MTP].

‡ See addenda

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.