August 6, 1890 Wednesday

August 6 Wednesday – In Onteora Park near Tannersville, N.Y. Sam wrote to Miss Lanigan, who evidently had sought information about Livy for publication. Sam answered with Livy’s thanks but observed,

…she is habituated to obscurity & prefers to remain in it Privately I believe she thinks that to be merely proprietor of a cannon cannot warrant one in letting on to be part of the battery [MTP].

Note: this may be Annette LaNeaugan (Ann Lannigan) referred to in MTNJ 3: 618 in connection to the “Extraordinary Crowninsheild Case — as related by Miss Hesse.” This was a famous case from 1819 concerning conflicts between state and federal bankruptcy laws, but the connection to this Miss Lanigan is unknown.

Sam, obviously responding to John Russell Young to about a letter sent to Hartford that would be forwarded to him, wrote a short note in reply. He thanked Russell for remembering him [MTP].

James W. Paige telegraphed Sam: “Cannot fix paper am writing one relating to foreign & domestic to which no one can object look for letter” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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