August 8, 1890 Friday

August 8 Friday – In Onteora Park near Tannersville, N.Y. Sam wrote two notes to Franklin G. Whitmore, the second a PS for the first. Sam wanted all work on the machine and all expenses limited as of Sept. 1. He felt official notice had been given to any men who continued to work in September, and announced they would be refused payment, save for Charles Ethan Davis, Paige’s assistant.

Are they still tinkering on the machine? I thought the remaining work on the machine was to occupy only 3 days, & the rest of the month be used up in moving, &c. Ys / SLC [MTP]. Note: in his PS, Sam added that Paige framed a new contract. Sam wanted it in the safety deposit, safe from fire.

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam (financial statements encl.): “I send you a mass of documents which I hope will be clear.” These included reports for the prior week and also a monthly report of sales. Also, individual book accounts of CY, Library of Humor, and the older books, HF, P&P, LOM, and White Elephant. This is by far the largest “mass” of accounting Hall had sent [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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