August 9, 1890 Saturday

August 9 Saturday – In Onteora Park near Tannersville, N.Y. Sam wrote again to Franklin G. Whitmore, stressing one fact — the machine should be “up & at work without shadow of doubt, Sept. 1.”

The most important man — to me — after Senator Jones, will arrive in Hartford on that day, to look at the machine. Me. Davis named that date & his prophecies have succeeded heretofore, which gives me confidence this time [MTP].

Sam also wrote a long letter to Matthias H. Arnot, enclosing a letter from Joe Goodman, to show he’d fulfilled “all the obligations laid upon me by my conversation with you last December.”

I produced Senator Jones in the flesh at Hartford after keeping the machine waiting for him 6 months & upwards at great expense; & he did not merely “approve” the machine, he sat over it a long time pretty nearly tongue-tied with astonishment & admiration. He has found his tongue since, & is using it with energy. …

John Mackay was also converted when he saw the machine at work; & his last word to John Russell Young of the N.Y. Herald when he sailed for Europe a few days ago was, “do everything you can for Sam & his machine.[“] So Young writes me. …

The above is formal notice that it is now in order for Mr. Arnot to resume payments on that $50,000 [MTNJ 3: 566-7].

Clara Washburne wrote from N.Y. to ask Sam if TS was dramatized; did he own the dramatization of it? And did he grant acting rights, and if so, on what terms? [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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