August 26, 1890 Tuesday

August 26 Tuesday – Sam was in Washington, D.C. staying at the Arlington Hotel. He wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore directing him to pay the Paige staff without reduction for the month of August.

I have been here ever since last Friday, & may be here one day more — & possibly a week. Who knows? But there’s no help for it, though it is dull waiting [MTP]. Note: Sam was waiting for Senator John P. Jones to get free from his senatorial duties.

Henry M. Whitney for Weekly Hawaiian Gazette wrote to Sam saying he would soon send a copy of his new publication, The Tourists’ Guide Through the Hawaiian Islands. Sam had met Whitney in the islands in 1866. The preface of this new guide contained Sam’s “prose poem” tribute to the Sandwich Islands [MTNJ 3: 589n58]. See MTNJ 1: 105.

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam at the Arlington House, Washington, about their woes with the installments on LAL, and suggested a businesslike way of explaining how their capital got locked up through the sales of the book series, it being too expensive to sell for cash like other books [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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