November 13, 1890 Thursday

November 13 Thursday – Orion Clemens wrote to Sam: “Your letter this moment received. I have cut it in two above the word ‘private’ and shall mail it forthwith to Fry, with only this comment: ‘Sam sends me the enclosed which means, I suppose, that I am to write nothing, and you are to use nothing that I told you’”. Fry had been asked to do an article on the Clemens family [MTP]. See Nov. 1 entry.

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam enclosing a note signed there payable to Livy. This is likely the $10,000 note and check from Langdon, a loan from Mrs. Langdon to Livy. Hall asked if Sam had seen the “good showing” report for October [MTP].

The Hartford Courant of Nov. 14, p.5, “Mr. Burton’s Lecture for the Indian Association,” reported a lecture at the Clemens’ residence this afternoon:

The third and final lecture by Richard E. Burton for the benefit of the Indian Association was delivered yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. S.L. Clemens on Farmington avenue. The lecturer chose for his subject, George Meredith, the English novelist, and was listened to by an audience which filled the spacious rooms. [Note: Livy was active in Indian charities. See Sam’s opinion of Meredith.]

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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