October 4, 1891 Sunday

October 4 Sunday – Sam may have returned after midnight (Oct. 3-4). His notebook simply gives Oct. 4 as “Go to Ouchy” [NB 31 TS 7]. Rodney gives this as his date of return to Ouchy and says the family was packed and ready to travel [138]. In his Sept. 28 letter to Livy, Sam had suggested they go to Basel, Switzerland the day after his arrival, some 125 miles, and then on to Berlin on Monday, Oct. 5. The city of Basel borders Germany and on the way to Berlin.

Sam did write on this day from Ouchy-Lausanne to an unidentified man that he was not well, and would be “well burdened with desk-work during” his stay in Europe. “therefore if it was a positive promise I must throw myself on your indulgence & beg you to release me from it” [MTP]. Note: Sam may have rested after arriving late the night before.

Sam’s notebook: To Mr. Hall, Oct 4, Lausanne:

Please tell me the terms of our contract with the Shermans, & exactly what we have made or lost. Was the $3,500 a loan, & has it been repaid? [MTLTP 285n2; NB 31 TS 1].

Note: the money was paid by the Sherman family for reprinting the Memoirs in a cheap edition. Sam was disturbed about the nature of the payment — did they have to reimburse? Hall’s reply is not extant but on Oct. 27 Sam wrote again, satisfied with whatever arrangement had been made.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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