October 26, 1895 Saturday

October 26 Saturday – The Clemens party left Maryborough at 5 a.m. and took the train through Castlemaine to Melbourne and the Spencer Street Station. They likely took rooms again at the Menzies Hotel on Latrobe Street. Sam gave a 3 p.m. matinee performance of “Mark Twain At Home” in Athenaeum Hall, Melbourne. The Melbourne Evening News ran a review of the lecture this same day.

Later Sam slipped in unannounced to take in the first part of a recital by Mark Hambourg at Town Hall. The audience cheered until Sam took a bow. In the evening Sam was made a life honorary member of the Institute of Journalists at Smoke-Night in the Cathedral Hotel on Swanston St. Compliments were given by W.P. Lambie; welcome extended by John Lamont Dow of the Age; Clara Clemens was toasted by Ephraim Zox. Parsons writes,

“The smoke began to rise shortly after eight. When Mark Twain, always one for a well-timed entrance, arrived at nine, ‘he was received with the utmost cordiality, all rising and cheering him vociferously’” …. J.L. Dow tended sheep and crops for £80 or £90 a year until he read Twain’s ‘How I Edited an Agricultural Paper.’ This turned him into an agricultural reporter….

“Because he always liked a previous speaker to give him a handy text, Twain conceded that his introducer was highly endowed. “I am glad to perceive at last after waiting these many many weary years, which I supposed had been wasted, that in one instance at least my labor has not been in vain. I recognise that in lifting Mr. Dow out of the sheep run — (laughter) — I have conferred a benefit upon the human race — (laughter) — and also upon the sheep. (Loud laughter.)” [“Mark Twain in Melbourne” MTJ (Spring 1984) p.40].

Sam stayed late visiting with friends, probably including Herbert Low, and looking for a sausage vendor on the street. “A band of pressmen took him home…the tail end of the night was prolonged into the next morning” [Shillingsburg, “Down Under” 19].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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