April 2 Thursday – The Sacramento arrived in San Francisco and Sam stayed at the Occidental Hotel [MTL 2: 205; Sanborn 391]. Sam wrote to Mary Mason Fairbanks of his safe arrival:
“The Prodigal in a far country chawing of husks, P.S.—& with nobody to molest or keep him straight. (!) mild exultation.”
This letter could have been written any time from Apr. 2 to Apr. 14 [MTL 2: 208].
Sam had a formal photograph taken by Bradley & Rulofson of San Francisco, sometime between this date and Apr. 16, when he left for Sacramento [MTL 2: 215n7].
Powers claims that Sam began bargaining with the Alta editors the day of his arrival [MT A Life 236]. The Alta printed a note on Apr. 3 that Sam had arrived, so either day may be correct.