April 10, 1868 Friday

April 10 Friday – The Examiner and other newspapers reported that Sam would speak at Platt’s Hall on Apr. 14. It was at this Hall where Sam had enjoyed his largest audience in 1866. On Apr. 12, a notice in the California Weekly Mercury advised that Sam would soon fill a lecture circuit to the interior of the state [MTL 2: 205]. Sam’s posters announced that “The Doors will be besieged at 7 o’clock; the Insurrection will begin at 8.” Clearly, Sam enjoyed the circuit, seeing old friends, making money, and needed to outwait the Alta editors. Sam was even more of a celebrity in the region with the influence of the Quaker City letters.

Robert Bunker Swain (1822-1872) wrote to Sam:

“Dear Clemens

I have been hoping to see you all the week to ask you dine with me on Sunday. I would be most happy to have you and so would Mrs Swain. We generally dine at 4 ½ o’clock…please say amen & oblige …”[MTP]. Note: In this file at MTP, a typed explanatory note explains why Apr. 10 is the correct date.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.