November 1, 1869 Monday

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November  1 Monday – Sam  gave his “Savages lecture in Pittsburgh,  Pa., Academy of Music [MTPO].

Elisha  Bliss wrote: “We want to pay up.  Shall we forward statement & check to you at Elmira or await your arrival  here?…Can’t you send us list of engagements so far made. … Are you married? We  hear of it so often & have contradicted it…Post us up!” [MTP].

James  Redpath wrote a one liner: “we  have nothing between second and eighth” [MTP].

November 1869

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November   – Sometime during the month (probably in the first half), G.M. Baker of Boston made a formal group  photograph of Sam, Josh Billings (Henry Wheeler Shaw 1818-1885) and  Petroleum V. Nasby (David Ross Locke 1833-1888) [MTP].

February  16, 1857 Monday

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February  16 Monday – Sam boarded the packet Paul Jones (353 tons), on its way from Pittsburgh, for passage to New  Orleans, commanded by  Hiram K. Hazlett and piloted by Horace E. Bixby (1826-1912), and Jerry Mason [Branch,  “Bixby” 2]. Branch presents evidence for this date over Apr. 15.

January 23, 1857 Friday

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January 23 Friday – In Keokuk, Henry Clemens wrote to Sam.

Your letters seem to be very strongly afflicted  with a lying-in-the-pocket propensity; for no sooner had I read your last, but  one, than it was consigned to one of the pockets of my overcoat, from whose  “vasty depths” I have but this moment fished it up, to answer it.

January of 1857

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January – On Dec. 29, 1905 Sam  answered a question from an unidentified person:

“Yes I did lay aside the ‘stick’ to resume  it no more forever; but January 1857 was the time it happened, & Keokuk,  Iowa the place” [MTP]. Note: the “stick” was the typesetter’s line of  type. Sam soon after began his steam boat career.


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Left  For the Amazon – New Orleans & Change of Plans – Bixby’s Influence

Official  Cub Pilot – Learning the Big Muddy

1857 –  Sometime during his stay in Keokuk Clemens saw Henry Clay Dean (1822-1887), eccentric philosopher who inspired Twain’s 1905  “The War Prayer.” In Ch. 57 of LM, Twain described Dean:

November  18, 1856 Tuesday

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November  18 Tuesday – An  untitled sketch, dated Nov. 8 and signed “L,” about a Cincinnati boarding house ran in the Keokuk Post.  It is attributed to Clemens [ET&S 1: 382; MTL 1:  70]. Britton examines the piece and makes a case for it being Sam’s, and  Mcfarlane being autobiographical rather than fictitious [16- 17]. Note: Britton mistakenly  writes the sketch was published on Nov. 8, but it was dated Nov 8   and published Nov. 18.