Marysville Station

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Sources generally concur on its identity as a station, but disagree on its status as a home or relay station. In 1859, Joseph H. Cottrell and Hank Williams contracted with Russell, Majors, and Waddell to build and lease a livery stable as a home station. Riders stayed at the nearby American Hotel, which was north of the livery stable. The north end of the stone stable served as a blacksmith shop, and stalls were located on the other side. Also was known as Palmetto City (NPS)

Guittard Station

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Sources generally agree on the identification of Guittard's Station as a Pony Express and stage stop. In late 1860, Burton saw the Pony Express rider arrive at Guittard's Station. Burton described the station as a "clump of board houses on the far side of a shady, well-wooded creek—the Vermillion, a tributary of the Big Blue River, so called from its red sandstone bottom, dotted with granitic [sic] and porphyritic boulders."

Troy Station

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Various sources indicate that this site is located within the town of Troy. A monument in the northwest corner of the courthouse lawn notes the existence of the relay station. Some authors list the monument's location as the possible site of the station, but later research links the station with the Smith Hotel. Leonard Smith arrived in Troy in 1858 and purchased the Troy Hotel. Two years later, at the request of the C.O.C. & P.P. Express Co., he constructed a barn large enough for five horses.

Ash Point Station

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This site is supposedly located on the banks of Vermillion Creek. Ash Point, Laramie Creek, Frogtown, and Hickory Point were names associated with this Pony Express station and stage stop. The tiny settlement of Ash Point began at the junction of the Pony Express route and a branch of the California Road prior to 1860. John O'Laughlin, a storekeeper, managed the station operations. Richard F.

Seneca Station

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Sources generally agree about Seneca Station's location and identity as an early Pony Express home station, also known as the the Smith Hotel. John Smith managed station operations at the hotel, located on the corner of present-day Fourth and Main Streets. Smith entered the hotel business in 1858, and his two- story white hotel also served as a restaurant, school, and residence. Additional sources also identify Seneca as an overland stage station. (NPS)

Log Chain Station

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Sources identify Log Chain as a Pony Express relay station and a stop on the overland stage route. Noble H. Rising, the stationkeeper, maintained a twenty four by forty foot log house and seventy foot barn. Log Chain Station stood near Locknane Creek, also called Locklane and Muddy Creek on some maps. The origin of the name "Log Chain" is uncertain. Stories exist about pulling wagons across the creek's sandy bed with log chains, which may be one reason for its name. The station's name may also be a corruption of Locklane, the creek's name.

Kennekuk Station

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Experts on the Pony Express trail in this area, designate Kennekuk as the first home station from St. Joseph. Most other sources agree on the name but not the exact location of this station. Its location has been placed at from 39 to 44 miles from the beginning of the trail. The stage route from Atchison and the Fort Leavenworth-Fort Kearney military road combined with the trail near Kennekuk and brought much traffic to the settlement in the early 1860s. Tom Perry and his wife ran the relay station and served meals to travelers passing through.

Cold Spring Station

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Louis or Lewis was mapped as a station between Troy and Kennekuk was possibly the same as the Cold Spring Ranch Station. The Lewis Station and Cold Spring Station were located the same distance between Troy and Kennekuk. One local history resource placed the station on North Independence Creek. Several other sources give yet another location for this station. "Chain Pump" and "Valley Home/House"  (NPS)

Alkali Lake Station

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Note: Point plotted approximately 2 miles SW of Paxton

Many historical resources link Alkali Lake Station with the Pony Express. The Alkali Lake Station site is possibly two miles southwest of Paxton, in Keith County, Nebraska. Sources generally agree on its name as Alkali Lake. In the 1861 Overland Mail Company contract, the station was unnamed. (NPS)