Switzerland and the adjacent portions of Italy, Savoy and the Tyrol

Handbook for Travellers

7th ed. Leisics Karl Baedeker, 1877. 470 pp.

Mark Twain made references to this guidebook in Notebook 15 (1878, N&J 2:77), Notebook 16 (1878, N&J 2: 161), and Chapter 35 of A Tramp Abroad (1880). Twain questioned Baedeker’s estimates of distances on a few occasions, but the majority of his references to Baedeker's Switzerland were complimentary and a few were exceedingly favorable. In one of his notebooks in 1878, for instance, he praised “the iron integrity of Baedeker, who tells the petrified truth about hotels & everything. A wonderful guide book—a marvelous faithful & pains-taking work—you can go anywhere without a human guide, almost. And this book is absolutely correct & reliable” (NB 16, N&J 2: 161). He repeated a version of these remarks in Chapter 46 of A Tramp Abroad (1880): “Baedeker knows all about hotels, railway and diligence companies, and speaks his mind freely. He is a trustworthy friend of the traveler.” Chapters 22, 28, 35, 36, 38, and 39 of A Tramp Abroad contain other generalized references to Baedeker's series of guidebooks.


Reference Type
Bædeker, Karl
Karl Bædeker
Published Year
Handbook for Travellers