To The Person Sitting in Darkness: Day By Day

February 8, 1902 Saturday

February 8 Saturday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam replied to Frederic Remington’s query of Feb. 7. Sam did not remember the names, but he knew there had been newspapers at St. Joseph and Independence, Mo. some 50 years before. He recommended Remington check the Mercantile Library in St. Louis [MTP].

Sam went into N.Y.C. where he spoke to the Vassar Alumnae [Feb. 10 to Marbury].

February 9, 1902 Sunday

February 9 Sunday – The New York Times, p.8, “Society at Baltimore,” reported:

Miss Lelia Gittings of Baltimore is visiting Mrs. Samuel L. Clemens (the wife of Mark Twain) at her home at Riverdale-on-the-Hudson. [Note: see inscription to Gittings Apr. 29, 1898 entry].

February 10, 1902 Monday

February 10 Monday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam replied to Elisabeth Marbury’s Feb. 8.

The reason I have been trying to get you on the telephone is this:

Do you know the PROPRIETOR of the theatre where “A Gentleman of France” was being matinèed last Saturday week? [Feb. 1]

February 11, 1902 Tuesday

February 11 Tuesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam added to the Feb. 5, 7 letter to Francis H. Skrine.

February 12, 1902 Wednesday

February 12 WednesdayGeorge Iles inscribed a copy of Voices of Doubt and Trust (1897) by Volney Streamer (1850-1915), for Sam: “Samuel L. Clemens, from George Iles, / with the highest esteem /and regard. / New York, Feb. 12, 1902” [Gribben 673]. Note: Iles visited Sam on Feb. 17, and may have delivered this with him then.

Sam’s notebook: “Wm. E. Dodge, 262 Mad. Ave dinner & all night” [NB 45 TS 4].

February 13, 1902 Thursday

February 13 Thursday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam finished his Feb. 5, 7, 11 to Francis H. Skrine.

Feb. 13. It is so good of you & Mrs. Skrine to offer us your house, & we thank you cordially & wish we could take you up, but we are barred. I suppose we shall summer on the coast of Maine. It looks like it; we are inquiring after a dwelling-house at York Harbor.

February 14, 1902 Friday

February 14 Friday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Muriel M. Pears in Scotland.

Feb. 14. If you don’t come pretty soon, I shall begin to be afraid you are not coming this year at all. At the end of this month I am going yachting in the southern waters until the middle of April. If you come while I am gone, you must telephone the house, so that you can be met at the station & properly cared for [MTP].

February 15, 1902 Saturday

February 15 Saturday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Frank Bliss.

I suppose Newbegin asked for a day or two because he wants to find out who the new client is, & trade with him instead of with us. I guess he will find out without much trouble; therefore you better get that option right away.

I think the new applicant will want to sell single volumes rather than sets. That obstructing Harper contract will bar that, as far as the Harper books are concerned, & the new applicant will back out.

February 16, 1902 Sunday

February 16 Sunday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Frederick A. Duneka asking for “a travel-book or two,” on the West Indies, preparing for his next yachting trip with H.H. Rogers. He also requested A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom by Andrew D. White (1901). Clemens also referred to a book he was writing:

February 17, 1902 Monday

February 17 MondaySam’s notebook: “Geo. Iles & Mr. Montgomery, artist, coming, 4.15 p.m.” [NB 45 TS 4].

Elisabeth Marbury sent Sam another statement for two weeks of the PW play and a check for $22 for his royalties [MTP].

February 18, 1902 Tuesday

February 18 Tuesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Robert Bridges, declining an invitation as he was to “go yachting in the southern seas” at month’s end [MTP].

Fatout lists Sam reading unspecified stories at a Boys Club in N.Y.C. [MT Speaking 670], undoubtedly from this entry in Sam’s notebook: “4.30 p.m. At The Boy’s Club. Corey Fund meeting. (Letter from Wm. H. McElroy, 135 W. 95th.) / Must try to get there. / Dinner to Julie Langdon, my niece” [NB 45 TS 4].

February 19, 1902 Wednesday

February 19 Wednesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Rev. L.M. Powers of the Universalist Church in Haverhill, Mass., a collector who had requested autographed copies of books:

You make it so pleasant for me to say yes, & so easy, that I can’t say no although my conscience demands it. I do smoke, though not to excess, there not being hours enough in the 24 for that.

February 21, 1902 Friday

February 21 FridaySam’s notebook: “Gilder, 13 East 8th—pm” [NB 45 TS 4]. Note: the “pm” suggests Sam had an evening appointment with Richard Watson Gilder. A dinner engagement usually included a time.

Elisabeth Marbury sent a statement and a royalty check to Sam for the PW play, week ending Feb. 8: $9.84 [MTP].

February 22, 1902 Saturday

February 22 Saturday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam replied to Hélène Elisabeth Picard’s Feb. 5, and told her of his Juggernaut Club and her election for the “Member for France.”

Dear Miss Hélène:

February 23, 1902 Sunday

February 23 ca.In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to an unidentified person [MTP].

February 24, 1902 Monday

February 24 Monday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote again to Rev. L.M. Powers of Haverhill, Mass.

Thank you very much. I have ordered 500 Porto Rico cigars—$4.50 per 100—a breed which I have been experimenting with.

I enclose the Express receipt, which was not delivered to me until this morning. Those express people will bear watching, & I lately had reason to be glad I had a receipt to confront them with when they had done some mislaying [MTP]. Note: see Feb. 19 to Powers.

February 25, 1902 Tuesday

February 25 TuesdaySam’s notebook: “The Mayor’s dinner to H.R.H. Prince Henry of Prussia / Metropolitan Club 6.30. Train 5.24—arr 5.55” [NB 45 TS 4]. Note: the dinner was Feb. 26. See entry.

February 26, 1902 Wednesday

February 26 Wednesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to George B. Harvey.

From a competent source I have an offer for the Newbegin contract (which I now control) of $250,000 guaranty for 5 years: $100,000 to be cash in advance to cover the first two years. Naturally I wish the offer had come from you. I cannot know if you would care to duplicate it, but you will tell me as to that; & it will be a favor to me if you will tell me as quickly as you conveniently can [MTP]. Note: See Feb. 15.

February 27, 1902 Thursday

February 27 Thursday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Laurence Hutton, that H.H. Rogers thought they should leave on their five-six week West Indies cruise on Mar. 10 or 11, probably on Mar. 10, and that he should not fail to be ready, as “that voyage will do your health a world of good” [MTP]. Note: Sam also asked Hutton to simply address him at “New York City” and crossed out “Riverdale on the Hudson” letterhead. On Mar.

February 28, 1902 Friday

February 28 FridaySam’s notebook: “Krause Dinner / Brander Matthews—1.30 p.m. 681 West End Ave cor. 93d street” [NB 45 TS 4].

Alvey Augustus Adee wrote to Sam on Department of State, Washington letterhead (Second Asst. Secretary). He had learned from George Iles that Sam had no copy of 1601, and so made two copies from his own copy and enclosed one, the other going to Iles [MTP]. Note: Iles had visited on Feb. 17.

March 1902

MarchMunsey’s Magazine for March included George W. Smalley’s article, “American Authors Aborad,” p. 774-7. Tenney: “Contains a rather general discussion of MT’s popularity in England , personally and as a lecturer, but no new information” [Tenney: “A Reference Guide Second Annual Supplement,” American Literary Realism, Autumn 1978 p. 172].

March 1, 1902 Saturday

March 1 SaturdaySam’s notebook: “Leave 9.14-ar. 9.40—be at 115 Broadway 10 a.m. testify before Commissioner Dulon (for Prussia). See 12 stories drawer. Waiting room. / Delmonico 44th St at 2 o’clock. Then 3 or 4 at Grand Central” [NB 45 TS 4]. Note: after testifying, Sam intended to luncheon then return home late in the afternoon.

South Jersey Republican – Hammonton N.J. March 1, 1902

March 2, 1902 Sunday

March 2 Sunday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Julius Chambers (1850-1920) author, about letters and packages which had been misdirected: “My address is exceedingly simple—nothing could be simpler: ‘S.L. Clemens, New York City’” [MTP: Anderson Auction Co. catalog: Jan. 20, 1916, No. 1193, Item 146]. Note: Chambers book, The Destiny of Doris; A Travel-Story of Three Continents (1901), may have been sent to Clemens and gone astray. See Gribben 137.

March 3, 1902 Monday

March 3 Monday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam finished his Mar. 2 to Franklin G. Whitmore.

March 3. I went house-hunting in the rain yesterday afternoon—I kept this letter waiting, because I might perhaps be able to report a purchase to you. But it didn’t happen. Cheap enough house, but I wouldn’t take it as a gift.

March 4, 1902 Tuesday

March 4 Tuesday – Sam house hunted with a real estate agent. He later wrote, “I went alone, one day, and examined 12 country seats from garret to cellar, and it ended my usefulness, and my strength. I struck” [Mar. 3 to Whitmore; Mar. 12 to Bigelow].

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