February 27, 1902 Thursday

February 27 Thursday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Laurence Hutton, that H.H. Rogers thought they should leave on their five-six week West Indies cruise on Mar. 10 or 11, probably on Mar. 10, and that he should not fail to be ready, as “that voyage will do your health a world of good” [MTP]. Note: Sam also asked Hutton to simply address him at “New York City” and crossed out “Riverdale on the Hudson” letterhead. On Mar. 2 Sam wrote to Julius Chambers, author, complaining about another piece of mail being misdirected.

Sam also inscribed an autograph note to an unidentified woman:Yes, dear Madam, with great pleasure Very truly yours, Mark Twain” [MTP: Chicago Book Auction catalog, Apr. 29, 1931, Item 59].

Sam also wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore, asking what had been done about the increase in Tabitha Quarles (Puss)’s pension, which he had “ tried to stop by telegraph?” He also wanted 200 more “of those cigars…same color” and let them bill him [MTP].

Livy began a diary headed “Riverdale on the Hudson / Feb. 27th 1902” and wrote down the guests at Riverdale she recalled since their move there in October of 1901. After this day she listed and dated them as they visited.

We rented last October for a year the Appleton Homestead. We have very much enjoyed our stay here. The girls & Mr. Clemens wanted to be near but not in New York this winter so we came out here. I have intended to put down the names of friends and acquaintances who have come to us here but have failed to do so. Now I am going to write those that I can remember.

Mrs. Charles Hapgood was our first visitor: then came my sister Mrs. Crane. Mrs Julia [sic Julius] Gay of Farmington.

Miss Lilly Burbank (Dr. Rice’s friend). Dr. Parry. Dr. & Mrs. Rice: Mr Fairchild, Mr & Mrs Fairchild. Rodman Gilder Dorothea Gilder. A lunch party of Mr [illegible word] Herford Mr Norman Hapgood, John Howells, Laurence Irving: Mr Bram Stoker; Mr Howells Mr & Mrs. Charles Fairchild:

Mr & Mrs George Riggs (She was Kate Douglas Wiggin), Mr. Samuel Elliott: Mr. Emerson Smalley Mrs John Day, Mr Norman Hapgood. Mrs Richard Watson Gilder, Miss Anne Sedgwick, Mrs Wheeler; Mrs Boudinot Keith, Mrs Custer: Mrs Bartholomew; Clara Stanchfield. Mrs Maria Gay: Miss [Leila] Gittings: Marie van Vorst: Miss [Lilly] Burbank:

Kathy Day Julie O. Langdon. Mr George Isles. For Thanksgiving the Langdon family except Jervis. Mrs George Warner: Mrs & Mrs Twichell: Miss Sophie Hammersley; Mildred Holden Miss Elvira [sp?], Miss Aida Gleason Mrs & Mrs Archie Welch: Mme. Sarah Grand Miss Marie van Vorst:

Feb. 27th or 28th Mr Krause of Vienna [Livy’s Diary, DV161, MTP]. Note: this last R. Howard Krause. Livy’s punctuation (or lack of ) retained.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.