Clinton House and Hall, Clinton, MA

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The Clinton House, at High and Church streets, was favored by industrialists and visiting salesmen, many tied to the booming carpet/weaving industry.

The Clinton House opened in 1847, capped by a mansard roof. A separate grand hall, called Clinton Hall, which would later host Twain, was added to the property three years later. Eventually, the hall and hotel were connected. 

Clinton Hall became the center of the town's social world. There were balls, lectures, school events and military gatherings.

A theater and a brick building, with space for retail, offices and apartments, was eventually built on the corner - called the Wachusett Block. For many years, the block was anchored by the Paper Store. More recently the spot is home to Zaytoon restaurant. 

Then & Now: Clinton House hotel, High Street, Clinton

42.417896, -71.684523

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