Endor - Village

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Khirbet Safsafeh / Es-Safsafa (32°38′26.69″N 35°22′36.91″E) - Many believe Khirbet Safsafeh to be the site of ancient En-dor, as reflected as being the site most normally marked on maps.


Bædeker:  The digression may be prolonged from Nain to (1 hr.) Endûr, to which a road, skirting the foot of the hill, leads in a little less than an hour.  The small and dirty village contains no antiquities except a few caverns.  This was the ancient Endor, a town of Manasaeh, where the shade of Samuel was raised by the witch and consulted by Saul on the eve of the disastrous battle of Gilboa (1 Sam. xxviii. 7-20). In the time of Eusebius Endor was still a large village.

Bædeker (1876) Route 15 page 346

See Bædeker (1898) Route 27 page 278

See Bædeker (1894) Route 24 page 244

Murray Route 22 page 358

Endor.—A ride of 3/4  h. brings us from Nain to Endor, the scene of another remarkable episode in Scripture history. The road descends diagonally the lower slopes of the hill. Endor is a small dirty village of some 20 half-ruinous houses, situated on a rocky acclivity a few yards above the green valley. Tabor lies directly opposite it, 3 m. distant; and between them is the northern branch of the plain of Esdraelon. The only remarkable things here are the caverns hewn in the cliffs above the houses. They are rude irregular excavations, the object of which it is difficult to determine; but they strike one forcibly as fit habitations for a witch. One of them, apparently natural, has a little spring in it, the water from which runs down the hill; the supply is small, but is said to be unfailing. The entrance to this cave is narrow, between two rocks, and is partly covered by a luxuriant fig-tree—at least it was so in 1850. Endor was within the territory of Issachar, though assigned with some other towns to Manasseh. (Josh. xvii. 11.) It is chiefly known as the scene of Saul’s remarkable interview with the witch. He came here at night from the camp at the “fountain of Jezreel;” and weary with the journey, weak with fasting, and heartbroken with the conviction that God had deserted him, what wonder if he was imposed on by an accomplished Pythoness, and terrified by a response worthy of Delphi! (1 Sam. xxviii. 7-25.)


32.640747070313, 35.376918792725

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