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A More Respectable Address – Dinner With the Kaiser – Resorts and more Resorts

Flying Trip to Chicago – A World of Night-&-Day Railroading

Letters for McClure’s Syndicate – Hobnobbing in Europe

American Claimant – Viva Villa Viviani!

Books published by Charles L. Webster & Co. in 1892

Bacheller, Irving, The Master of Silence: A Romance

Beard, Daniel C., Moonlight and Six Feet of Romance

Benton, Joel, The Truth About “Protection” 

Bigelow, Poultney, The German Emperor and His Eastern Neighbors

Bigelow, Poultney, Paddles and Politics Down the Danube

Campbell-Copeland, Thomas, Cleveland and Stevenson: Their Lives and Record  —  the Democratic Campaign Book for 1892

Campbell-Copeland, Thomas, Harrison and Reid: Their Lives and Records  —  the Republican Campaign Book for 1892

Cavazza, Elisabeth, Don Finimondone: Calabrian Sketches

Columbus, Christopher, Writings of Christopher Columbus, Descriptive of the Discovery of the New World

Crim, Matt, In Beaver Cove and Elsewhere

Dahlgren, Madeline Vinton, Chim: His Washington Winter

Filippini, Alexander, One Hundred Ways of Cooking Eggs

Filippini, Alexander, One Hundred Ways of Cooking Fish

Ford, Paul Leicester, Writings of Christopher Columbus

Garner, R. L., The Speech of Monkeys, in Two Parts

George, Henry, A Perplexed Philosopher: Being an Examination of Mr. Herbert Spencer’s Various Utterances on the Land Question

Illustrated Catalogue of Charles L. Webster and Co.’s Publications

Johnston, Richard Malcolm, Georgia Stories

Johnston, Richard Malcolm, Mr. Billy Downs and his Likes

Miller, Annie Jenness, Physical Beauty. How to Obtain and How to Preserve It

Moffett, Samuel Erasmus, The Tariff; What it is and What it Does.

Pullen, Elisabeth Cavazza, Don Finimondone: Calabrian Sketches

Repplier, Agnes, Essays in Miniature

Scollard, Clinton, Under Summer Skies

Sharp, William, Flower o’ the Vine: Romantic Ballads and Sospiri de Roma

Springer, William McKendree, Tariff Reform, the Paramount Issue. Speeches and Writings on the Questions Involved in the Presidential Contest of 1892.

Tolstoy, Leo, Life is Worth Living, and Other Stories

Twain, Mark, The American Claimant

Twain, Mark, Merry Tales

Whitman, Walt, Selected Poems

Whitman, Walt, Autobiographia, or, the Story of a Life

1892 – Possibly during this year Sam wrote to Miss Sanborn from the Players Club. Sam was “already booked for a feed this evening,” so sent his regrets [MTP].

Powers writes of the Clemenses’ new status at the Hotel Royal:

“In Berlin in 1892, ensconced at the luxury Hotel Royal, the Clemenses decided they could afford a new German tutor for Livy, a governess for Jean, and piano lessons at the estimable Mrs. Willard’s school for Clara, who attracted a circle of aspiring young musical artists. Susy remained withdrawn, passive. It soon became clear that Mark Twain was a revered author in the great city: the bookstores featured his translated books, and he was recognized on the street (though some people mistook him for a famous historian named Theodor Mommsen)” [MT A Life 542]. Note: to save money the family ate in the dining hall rather than in their rooms, which attracted oglers much to the fascination of Clara and Susy.

Budd writes, “the Scrap Book would last as his most profitable business venture during his lifetime; the patent was worth updating as late as 1892” [Our MT 63].

Sometime during the year Willard Fiske left a scrap note for Sam that he was “enjoying a stalwart assault of gout,” and left regards to Mrs. Clemens. On the left side of the note in a large hand, Sam wrote, “Clara to be consulted about this SLC” [MTP].

Annie Vredinburgh wrote from Searsville, San Mateo County, Calif. to Sam, following up on a letter she sent ten years before about dramatizing TS, something Sam had concluded could not be done [MTP].

John Mackay sent a short and nearly illegible note to thank Sam for his “very kind attention” and hoping that Sam might “drop in” if he was down [MTP].

The John R. Whitley Testimonial Fund of London solicted funds with a form letter and subscription slip [MTP].

Eva I. Farrell wrote for an autograph, one Monday during 1892 [MTP].

W.N. Bishop of the Modern Crusader Publishiing Co., Toledo, Ohio wrote a rather strange letter to Sam about “Beans”  —  not knowing “Beans,” speaking well of “Beans,” etc. and of Sam’s possible influence with “Republican magnates in your section.” Bishop noted that eight years before Sam was “gleefully a Mugwump,” as was Bishop, who now was trying to do penance [MTP]. Note: Very strange indeed

Links to Twain's Geography Entries

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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