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FebruaryThe American Claimant was published serially in The Idler Magazine (London) from Feb.1892 through Jan. 1893.

London’s Idler Magazine ran “A Conglomerate Interview with Mark Twain,” by Luke Sharp [The Twainian, Nov. 1940 p.4]. From Tenney:

Contains “Good Stories of Mark Twain in London” by Bruce Hatton; an account of his smoking; an excerpt from the interview Kipling published…and MT’s recollections of Kipling; a reference to a passage in MT’s “Mental Telegraphy” as foundation for his The American Claimant (beginning as a serial in this issue of Idler); and a reprinting of the poem to MT on his fiftieth birthday, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. There is also an extract from an interview in which MT expressed his admiration for Thomas Bailey Aldrich. The article is illustrated by eight snapshots of MT taken on board the French liner, La Gascogne as it neared Havre, and the issue has a sketch of MT as frontspiece [20].

Sam’s notebook for Feb.:

The trial of editor, artist & pressman (?) of Klatteradatch for calling the Holy Coat of Treves a Humbug came off the other day. They were acquitted because they didn’t make fun of holy Church’s “real relics!” As if there were any — or ever had been. It was drawing it fine [NB 31 TS 25].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   
