Submitted by scott on

JanuaryFrom Jan. to June, Library and Studio ran Part II of Will M. Clemens’ “Life of Mark Twain.” (Part I ran from July to Dec., 1891) [The Twainian, Nov. 1940 p.4].

Mary Mason Fairbanks’ article, “The Cruise of the Quaker City. With Chance Recollections of Mark Twain,” ran in this month’s issue of the Chautauquan, XIV, p.429-32. From Tenney: “The trip was more successful than MT represented; she appreciates his account and speaks warmly but judiciously of MT and his works. Quotes a lengthy ‘extract from a letter written by him to a young friend on the occasion of her debut’ on the change from childhood and the building of a mature life, and quoting from Thomas Fuller, whose pithy, ‘pemmican sentences’ he admires. Lengthy excerpt reprinted in Review of Reviews (London), V (January), 43” [Tenney 20].

Fatout conjectures Sam gave a Berlin reading this month at Gewerberhaus [MT Speaking 660].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   
