May 1, 1877 Tuesday

May 1 Tuesday  Sam wrote from Baltimore to Howells.

Found I was not absolutely needed in Washington, so I only staid 24 hours, & am on my way home, now. I called at the White House, & got admission to Col. Rodgers, because I wanted to inquire what was the right hour to go & infest the President….I perceived that Mr. Rodgers took me for George Francis Train & had made up his mind not to let me get at the President…It was a great pity all around, & a loss to the nation, for I was brim full of the Eastern question [MTLE 2: 61].

Sam left for Hartford. A. Hoffman claims it was Bret Harte’s presence in Washington that “drove” Sam home [256].

Charles E. Perkins wrote a one-liner: “This check contains one hundred dollars on the $700 note so Bergen says” [MTP].

Clara Spaulding wrote a short note to Clemens in German [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.