May 15, 1877 Tuesday

May 15 Tuesday  Sam, still in Hartford and preparing to leave on his 10-day trip to Bermuda with Twichell, sent a note to George F. Bissell & Co. for Charles Perkins, authorizing the latter, Sam’s attorney, to endorse checks payable to Sam for deposit [MTLE 2: 71].

Sam also wrote Charles E. Perkins, asking him to drop a line to Harte to say Sam had “gone off on a sea voyage,” leaving all of Sam’s business in Perkins’ hands [MTLE 2: 72].

In Cambridge, Mass., Howells wrote Sam, answering a letter, now lost, about Howells’ translator in Switzerland. Sam had received an offer from one L.J. Brillant to translate The Adventures of Tom Sawyer into French. Howells answered that his translator in Switzerland was “an American woman” who had translated A Foregone Conclusion into Italian but couldn’t find a publisher there for it. Sam’s lost letter evidently announced he was making a trip to Bermuda with Twichell:

“I suppose you’re going to sea for your health. You’re an enviable man to be able to go. I know one set of shaky nerves that can’t” [MTHL 1: 178].

Charles E. Perkins wrote asking for a power of attorney from Clemens to be able to deposit checks for him in Bissell’s bank. Also H.W. Bergen had sent back the contract [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env. “Power atty to endorse checks for deposit”

Frank Fuller wrote hoping Sam could drop in at his Health Food Co. 74 & 4th Ave. before leaving town. He hated to see Sam continue to spend money on H.C. Bowers’ inventions [MTP]. See also AMT 2: 490.

Bret Harte sent a telegram: “Send my draft if any to Mrs. Knauft forty five fifth ave” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.