May 25, 1879 Sunday 

May 25 Sunday – Sam wrote from the Normandy Hotel in Paris to Thomas Bailey Aldrich, who had left Paris for home a few days before. The Clemens family “felt an awful vacancy here when the Aldriches left,” Sam wrote. He also passed on Tauchnitz’s promise to write Aldrich about including Aldrich’s book of sketches in his series. Sam figured six more weeks of work and he’d have enough to complete his book (A Tramp Abroad) [MTLE 4: 64].

Le Figaro, the largest daily newspaper in France, published Sam’s burlesque account of the Gambetta-Fourton Duel [MTLE 4: 64].

Sam also wrote to Christian Bernhard Tauchnitz, thanking him for books sent and glad that Tauchnitz had written Aldrich and Howells. “I greatly want to see their books in the Series,” he wrote [MTLE 4: 65].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.