June 27, 1879 Friday 

June 27 Friday – Frank Bliss wrote to Sam, more details on pictures for the book.

My dear Clemens / I was unable to send you any money last week, as funds which I expected in did not come, $300 came along a day or two since & I enclose a draft for that amt. … / Browns package of 35 drawings just arrived this a.m. all safe; will have them right in the works. … / Perkins was in to see Father a day or two ago & I believe they fixed up everything all O.K. Mr. Drake was inquiring the other day how long it took for a letter to go to Paris & an answer to get back, he is getting anxious I guess. The Annual Meeting of the A. P. Co comes off again the 3rd Wednesday in July. I intended to have sent a “proxy” in my last letter so you could send it back here & let me represent your stock at the meeting….I guess I’ll enclose a proxy in this letter & if you have no objections to the idea & start it right back to me perhaps it will get here in time…. [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Enclosing $300”. Bliss also expressed the desire for the pictures to avoid any “deformities” for humor, such as Max Adeler, Josh Billings, etc. used. He added, “one of the charms of ‘Innocents’ pictures was that people could see how MT looked in an awkward situation & acted. I take it that the subjects of these pictures are people that you have seen &c have a few of your own mishaps depicted to make variety…”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.