June 14, 1880 Monday

June 14 Monday – Howells wrote from Boston to Sam about Orion’s autobiographical manuscript.

…the writer’s soul is laid too bare: it is shocking. I can’t risk the paper in the Atlantic; and if you print it anywhere, I hope you wont let your love of the naked truth prevent you from striking out some of the most intimate passages. Don’t let any one else even see those passages about the autopsy [of John Marshall Clemens]. The light on your father’s character is most pathetic [MTHL 1: 315].

Fanning supposes that Howell’s reaction was based on the revelation of syphilis contracted by John Marshall Clemens, possibly revealed in the post-mortem examination, probably by Dr. Orville Grant [12-16]. In 1903 Sam wrote in his notebook, “1847. Witnessed post mortem of my uncle through the keyhole,” yet no uncle died that year.

Saloman & DeLeeuw, Hartford dealers in tobacco, invoiced Sam for two dozen corn cob pipes & tobacco; paid June 15 [MTP]. Fox & Co., Hartford grocers $14.69, “Amt of bill to date pass book”; paid [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.