February 26, 1886 Friday

February 26 Friday – In Hartford Sam responded to the Feb. 23 letter from Clarence C. Buel of the Century Magazine.

When I get this book done [CY], I think a chapter or two of it will read very well in the Century [MTP].

The Bismark (North Dakota) Daily Tribune reprinted on p.4 the earlier February interview from the Cincinnati Enquirer [Schmidt]. See February, early entry.

Charles Webster wrote to Sam, explaining why he paid Mrs. Grant $200,000 instead of waiting as Sam had wanted to pay her a lump sum of $500,000 (which was considered possible):

I dislike to carry so large a bank account, so I have decided to give Mrs. Grant a check on account for $200,000….I do not for a moment think there is any danger with either of our banks here still such a thing is possible and…the safest way is to pay now. This will be over double the largest amtt. [sic] ever paid an author in one check so we should be satisfied with the record [MTNJ 3: 312n37]. Note: Sam later claimed Webster “sneaked” in making this payment when he only owned a tenth interest, which again shows that Webster, not Sam, presented the check [312].

Karl Gerhardt, in Hartford, wrote to Sam and addressing the two-page note to Sam and Livy.

I have written to Mr. Pond. Your offer is too generous. The frame for the Heroic Nathan is completed. I commence with clay Mar. 1. My studio is in Cheney Building room 6 — 2nd flight. Mrs Jesse Grant writes Josie, that Mr Grant will propose my name to the committee when formed for the $250,000 Washington Grant Monument [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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