January 7 Friday – Alexander Cargill wrote from N.Y. to Sam. Cargill wanted to send a MS. Sam wrote on the envelope, “From a Mr. Cargill who wants to publish a novel” [MTP].
William Mackay Laffan for NY Sun wrote to Sam enclosing a letter from E.R. Garczyuski of Brooklyn to Sun dated Nov. 12, 1886, which pointed out a “blunder” in Sam’s talk about King Arthur. Laffan wrote on the opposite blank side of this letter:
I have another book of a wholly different breed in my eye and I will converse you about it when you drop in here next. They are hacking away the same as ever in the Tribune [with the typesetter] and don’t seem to progress but talk sassy, anyhow [MTP]. Note: Laffan also wanted to know if Sam had “made anything out of Shuckers.”
George E. Lemon telegraphed Sam that General Logan’s wife was “comparatively destitute after settlement of estate” of her husband, and that $50,000, half of the goal, had been subscribed [MTP].