April 24, 1887 Sunday

April 24 Sunday – The Brooklyn Eagle ran a long article on page 6, “COMMON SCHOOL LORE – Vouched for by Twain, But Probably Edited by Spirits.” In response to “English As She Is Taught,” the paper asked, “Is it a Juvenile or an Adult Joke Book?”

The common schools have been atrociously attacked and vilified by somebody, by themselves in the persons of teachers or pupils, or both, or by the spirits. Messrs. Cassell & Co. Publish a book called “English as She is Taught,” which is a curious compilation of “answers to examination questions in our public schools.” Some of the malapropisms, if they can be so called, when they so far distance Mrs. Malaprop in ingenuity as well as inaccuracy, almost make one doubt Mark Twain’s — not Mr. Clemens’ — word when he says in the Century that they have not been tampered with or doctored. But as Mr. Twain in the book is quoted to the former effect, and has the compiler’s own explicit confirmation of the absolute originality of these absurdities in the poor young minds which were reduced to them by the cramming policy, we shall have to give in.

Note: Sam relied solely upon the word of Caroline B. Le Row for the authenticity of the answers. [Feb. 15 to Howells; on or after Apr. 13 to Le Row].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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