May 16 Monday – Edward H. House and his adopted daughter Koto arrived at the Clemens residence for a visit. House would house-sit the Farmington house while the Clemens family took their annual trek to Quarry Farm, where Sam would continue working on CY while House worked on the dramatization of P&P as encouraged by Sam [A. Hoffman 340].
Sam also wrote another, shorter note (than his May 14 letter) to Jeannette L. Gilder of the Critic that the family would spend the summer in the “same old place — the remote farm called ‘Rest-&-be-Thankful’” and that he had “not as yet mapped out any work” [MTP].
Sam and Livy placed their two eldest daughters, Susy and Clara Clemens, in the local high school. Up until this time they had been home-schooled [May 17 to Finlay].
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