October 7, 1887 Friday

October 7 Friday – Grace King arrived to spend a weekend at the Clemens residence. From one of the guest rooms in the house she wrote her mother, Sarah Ann Miller King, of the visit.

The maid has hung up my dresses and placed all my things for the night on the dressing tables. There are lights lighted every where, and I do feel very much like Beauty did when the Beast left her alone in the palace. The Clemenses are very nice and kind. I wore my white India silk to dinner. The George Warners & the Houses were the other guests [Edward H. and Koto House]…Mr Clemens is of course at his best at table and he just talked along as if he were writing another “Innocents Abroad.” I’ve got over my timidity with him, and so can “talk back” & have lots of fun [Bush 38].

Edward H. House wrote to Sam about three articles and the plagiarism of his work by James King Newton [MTP; MTNJ 3: 335]. Note: See also NJ 3: 332n93.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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