September 15, 1888 Saturday

September 15 Saturday – In Elmira Sam wrote to Baroness Alexandra Gripenberg:

The “Century” folk & I are in a state of armed neutrality just now, & I might do you but small good if I sent you to them; but Mrs. Clemens suggests an introduction to Mr. Alden, editor of “Harper’s Magazine,” & the idea strikes me as being good — & in fact there is no choice between the two magazines, since they stand equally high; so I enclose a note to Alden [Moyne 373].

Sam also mentioned attending Theodore Crane, who had been partially paralyzed, and gave this as the reason for his delay in answering [Moyne 373n12].

Sam also spoke of Crane in a letter to his sister, Pamela Moffett. He’d ordered Webster & Co. to put her and Orion on the “free list” to get books when issued. He passed on Livy’s request that Samuel Moffett let her know when he and his new wife came to New York so they might visit.

I must jump & run, now, for it is my turn at the sick-bed — Theodore Crane’s, who has been seriously ill for ten days, but is now mending slowly. With the love of all of us to all of you. Sam.

Arthur H. Wright for Webster & Co. reported a bank balances total of $1,767.99 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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