September 24, 1888 Monday

September 24 Monday – The Clemens family left Elmira in the afternoon for the ten-hour train trip to New York City, which would have put them there late in the evening. They checked into the Murray Hill Hotel, where Sam wrote Whitmore on Wednesday (Sept. 22 and Sept. 26 to Whitmore).

Sam’s notebook entry with calculations of amounts owed for their summer stay for check #:

4323. = $662. T.W. Crane. Sept. 24. ’88. / Farm, from June 23 to Sept. 24, 13 weeks & 2 days / 6 persons, $40 per week, $532. / 2 ponies, ($3 per week each) 80 / Washing, 10 weeks at $5 50/ $662.

This is followed by amounts for the staff: William $25; / His wife 12; / Liddy 5 / Oscar 12 / Washerwoman 5 / Mr Rice 5 / Mothers people each 2 / Doyle 6.

Sam also noted:

Moderate but steady walk, & no stops, it is 40 minutes from Farm to D.L.W. / and 1 hour to mother’s house. [D.L.W. = Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RR.]

Wells Fargo takes the ponies through to Hartford from here for $4 each [MTNJ 3: 424]

[Chk #] 4324, Sept 24 $44, ponies, Wells Fargo [3: 477]. Note: lined out.

Franklin G. Whitmore wrote to Sam that his letter with the Chatto drafts was “rec’d & deposited at Bissell’s.” $9,454.05 was due Pratt & Whitney [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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