April 3, 1889 Wednesday

April 3 Wednesday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Charles Noel Flagg (1848–1916) noted portrait artist, thanking him for compliments sent. Flagg painted Sam’s portrait when Sam was 55 [MTP].

Sam also wrote to his mother, Jane Lampton Clemens, who had written with Orion on Mar. 29. He was glad that Orion’s PS reported Jane was doing better; he reported that they “very frequently go to New York, & rest — up on the Opera & the theatre & gadding around till we can neither sleep nor stand.” Sam also told of the all night supper for Edwin Booth of Mar. 30-31:

I go to one more dinner, Apl. 8, & then I am done, for this season, & shall hide at home & dissipate no more. We had a good many men at that supper the other night whom I had not met for five, seven, ten years — & meantime how it has been snowing on them! Mr. Boucicault’s fringe has become white floss silk — yes, & he is more the image of Shakespeare than ever, if possible. Age is creeping into this world — I notice that. Livy, & Susie & Jean (who is learning to fiddle) & I all send a world of love to you [MTP].

In the evening, Sam likely went to the Hartford Foot Guard Armory to hear the Boston Symphony Concert. The date and event are listed in his notebook [3: 466&n201].

Rose Terry Cooke wrote from Pittsfield to Sam: “Your umbrella will leave here by the first express”[MTP]. See Mar. 6 for Sam’s stay in Pittsfield.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.