March 1889

March – Daniel Carter Beard illustrated a story called “Wu Chih Tien, the Celestial Princess” in the March issue of Cosmopolitan. Sam saw the issue and became interested in hiring Beard to illustrate CY [MTLTP 254n1]. Sam also noted negatively the story, “Over the Cossack Steppes,” by David Ker, calling it “flatulence” [Gribben 160; MTNJ 3: 457].

From Sam’s notebook:

I want Mr. R —  [Henry C. Robinson] to take a 1-100th & D [Samuel G. Dunham] half as much. To others I will part with twice as much & get it back from P [Paige]. This will enable me to make all first payment & then collect from R or the Trust Co on the vouchers — they will represent not money to be paid out but money which has BEEN paid out [3: 458]. Note: In a list made in late 1887 Sam had Robinson and Dunham down for $10,000 and $3,000; now he wanted them to invest $25,000 and $12,500 [n168].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.