April 4, 1889 Thursday

April 4 Thursday – In Hartford Sam responded to Abraham G. Mills’ letter agreeing that Mills should read Carter’s letter and then introduce him at the baseball dinner on Apr. 8. Sam reminded him, not to address him as Clemens. “I am Mark Twain in public — never Clemens.” He also asked that Mills not send a carriage for him and Twichell unless it was raining, as they “always walk when the weather will allow it” [MTP].

Reading in Volume 1 of The Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning, Sam recorded his progress along the margin on p.196: “Stopped here Apl. 4/89” [Gribben 105]. (See Mar. 27, Apr. 24)

Abraham G. Mills wrote to Sam (transcript of Carter to Curtiss Apr. 2 enclosed). “I send for your confidential information copy of a letter just rec’d from the Hawaiian Minister. If entirely agreeable to you…the toast will read ‘The Grand Tour … the Sandwich Islands.’…then I will read his letter & afterwards introduce you in the manner already agreed upon.” Sam wrote on the env., “Answered. About a baseball dinner to Spaulding” [MTP]. See Apr. 8 on the baseball dinner.

Daniel Whitford wrote to Sam: “I have your letter of the 2nd I have sent the enclosure to Mr Frohman and asked him at what time on Tuesday next we can meet you — in reference to the dual character [in P&P] I think he is disposed to be fair and do whatever is best for the play and to make it a financial success.” Whitford didn’t think Daniel Frohman was affected by expense. He advised Sam not to communicate with Edward House without notifying the law firm [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.