April 22, 1889 Monday

April 22 MondayAnna Hoit Bumstead wrote from Atlanta thanking Sam for his $25 check [MTP]. Note: Sam sent an annual check for this amount to the widow Ware and her children.

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam. The Centennial of Washington’s Inaugural was killing some business but the cookbook was selling well. He enclosed clippings from the Sunday N.Y. World, “A Book Canvasser’s Woes,” which he characterized as “a sensational stringing together of lies and misrepresentations. The person who signs it is mythical” [MTP]. Note: The article purported to be by a dissatisfied agent of Webster & Co.

Charles H. Taylor for Boston Globe wrote to Sam: “I have your letter of the 20th [not extant] and am glad you answered my inquiry so fully.” Favorable reports had created a stir in Boston over the Mergenthaler Linotype. “We had no intention of ordering any, but we agreed to wait and see yours” [MTP].

Dora Wheeler wrote from N.Y. to Sam: “Teddy Hewitt was in yesterday & he tells me [C.C.] Cox has all the negatives of your photographs & that he has given him orders to make you duplicate negatives of any or all that you may order [MTP]. Note: Teddy Hewitt was an amateur photographer friend of Dora’s.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.