Submitted by scott on

December 25 Thursday – Christmas – Sam’s “A Christmas Hope” concerning the inventor of the telephone, ran on the front page of the New York World. See Dec. 23.

Sam wrote to James W. Paige, letter not extant but referred to in Paige’s Dec. 30 response. Sam had sent a contract or a request for Paige to sign a contract [MTP].

Franklin G. Whitmore reported to Sam that the typesetter was up and running again [MTNJ 3: 597 under Dec. 29 entry].

Charles D. Poston sent Sam a printed in blue card approx. 3×4 inches: “Arizona, Xmas, 1890” heading; “the Prince of Abyssinia from the valley of Raesselas, renews assurances of eminent esteem and ancient friendship.” Signed on the back by Poston, whose signature rivaled John Hancock’s [MTP].

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Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.