January 29, 1891 Thursday

January 29 Thursday – In Hartford Sam telegraphed Howard P. Taylor, once compositor on the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, and now an accomplished playwright, who wished to dramatize CY.

Been away. I like the idea but submit the terms to me before you close. SL Clemens / Jany 29th 1891 [MTP].

Sam inscribed a cabinet photograph of himself standing on the cabin porch at Onteora to Mrs. Gertrude Tennant, Henry M. Stanley’s mother-in-law (Stanly married six months before, and Mrs. Tennant accompanied them on the tour, “somewhat to the amusement of the American press.” Stanley was currently on a US lecture tour (See Feb. 3 SLC to Hall).

With kindest regards to Mrs. Tennant from Mark Twain, Hartford Jan. 29 ’91 [Christie’s, Lot 136 Sale 6623 Sept. 24, 2002; avail. online].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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